The Gallagher Bluedorn continues to be the place for fun, wonder, and more. COVID-19 brought many of us unforeseen challenges and we still are faced with navigating those challenges now, even a few years later. What has remained a constant, however, is the basic, human need for the arts in our communities.
We remain committed to the health and well-being of all our patrons, artists, volunteers, and staff and are taking specific measures to ensure everyone’s visit is safe and comfortable.
Thank you in advance for your part in ensuring that we can carry out our mission to inspire the Cedar Valley through life-changing artistic experiences. We can’t wait to see you at the next show!
Your Part:
- Guests should self-screen for COVID-19 or symptoms of any other communicable illness before arriving at the venue.
- Please do not attend if you have reason to believe you have an active case of COVID-19 or any other communicable disease or are exhibiting any symptoms (fever or chills, cough, difficulty breathing, nausea, sore throat).
During Your Visit to the Gallagher:
- From the moment you walk through our doors, we want you to feel at home and comfortable. Our hall is continuously being cleaned and sanitized, and our ventilation system within the venue is state of the art and cycles air on a quick rotation.
- We encourage all patrons of the Gallagher Bluedorn to be respectful of the health of other audience members and our visiting artists.
Our Commitment to You:
- We hold a “no questions asked” credit policy for guests who are experiencing symptoms or are concerned for their health, just call UNITix prior to your scheduled performance and you will receive a full credit.
- Cleaning and sanitizing have always been priorities at the Gallagher Bluedorn, and we will continue to uphold that standard. All high contact surfaces are sanitized regularly and all seating areas are sanitized before and after each performance
- All Gallagher Bluedorn staff, volunteers, and ushers have been encouraged to follow the same protocols that we ask of our guests. They have also been instructed on how to self-monitor and are asked to stay home if they show any symptoms.