Your Visit to Kaleidoscope


Time of Arrival

We suggest you arrive approximately 20–30 minutes prior to curtain time.

Parking and Unloading

School buses arriving to the Gallagher Bluedorn will approach via University Avenue. Follow the signage to enter the unloading zone on the west side of the Gallagher Bluedorn on Ohio Street.  The Gallagher Bluedorn drive-up lane is directly on your right. Please line up behind any buses waiting to unload students. An usher will board your bus, then you'll proceed as directed by Gallagher Bluedorn staff. Please let staff know if your driver intends to leave during the performance. 

Once parked, buses cannot leave the lot until after the performance. If your bus needs to leave during the show, they should return no later than 10 minutes before the end of the performance and park in the drive on the west side of the Gallagher Bluedorn. If your students are staying on campus for lunch or a tour and will not be getting on the bus immediately after the show, please notify parking staff so it is parked appropriately.

Home School Students and Private Patrons

When you arrive, please proceed to the B lot south of University Avenue. Parking is free and no parking voucher is needed. A limited number of parking spaces for those with handicap designations or special needs are available in the lot north of the Gallagher Bluedorn. Please plan accordingly and arrive early.


Entering the Hall

Your school or group has been assigned to a specific section of the hall. Ushers or Gallagher Bluedorn staff will help guide you to the appropriate seat and we ask that you and your students remain as calm as possible so we can keep the process moving along. There are bathrooms located throughout the Gallagher Bluedorn. We ask that you use them in small groups only after you've been led to your assigned seating area. If you have special accommodations regarding your seating, please be sure to let us know ahead of the show and refrain from waiting until the day-of. 

Theatre Etiquette Reminders

We're excited you're here! Please keep in mind:

  • Food and drink are not permitted in the Catherine Cassidy Gallagher Great Hall.
  • Cameras and recording devices are not allowed.
  • You may talk before and after the performance begins, but please do not talk during.
  • Turn off all cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices.
  • Clap and cheer only when appropriate.
  • Most importantly, enjoy the show!

Show Duration

The performance will last approximately one hour unless otherwise noted on the website, confirmation letter, or voucher. If your students are staying on campus for lunch or a tour and will not be getting on the bus immediately after the show, please notify parking staff so it is parked appropriately.


Leaving the Hall

If you are a home school or private patron, you are allowed to leave the hall immediately after the show concludes. If you arrived with a school as a group, you will be dismissed by someone on stage. Please remain calm and orderly as we work quickly to make sure you get home as quickly and safely as possible. There will be a guide escorting you out of the hall and to your vehicle. 


Teacher surveys will be conducted online. The contact name on your group order will receive a link via email after the performance. Please share this with other teachers on the field trip. You can also share feedback with our community relations manager at We appreciate your feedback for future Kaleidoscope performances!


Your group may be able to eat lunch on campus before or after the event.  Please fill out the request form at least 2 weeks prior to your field trip. We cannot guarantee space if there is less than two weeks notice.

*Please note that due to building construction, the Gallagher Bluedorn will NOT be available as a lunch location.* 

Gallagher Bluedorn staff will be in touch with your confirmed lunch location by no later than one week prior to your field trip.




The ushers will direct groups to their seats. Our seating policy is to seat students and teachers together as indicated on the order form. Each busload of students receives an usher and may enter a different door but will be seated in the same area in the auditorium.

Please enter your group’s accessibility needs when placing your order online.  If you become aware of a seating need after placing your order, please contact Molly Hackenmiller at 319-273-3682 or

Be aware, that wanting to be seated on the main floor because you deem those seats as best, is not an accessibility need. Some examples of accessibility needs are wheelchair access, walker access, aisle seating due to mobility issues, close seating due to vision issues, sign language interpreter, etc.



We're happy you're joining on this adventure! As a chaperone for a Kaleidoscope performance, you are an important factor in making the performance enjoyable for the entire audience. Here are some guidelines to help make the most of your Kaleidoscope experience:

  • Before entering the hall, assist the teacher by keeping students in line and by reminding them that chewing gum, eating, and drinking are not allowed in the hall. Make sure to take notice of the bus number assigned to you by a Gallagher Bluedorn employee.
  • Be ready to let the ushers know what school you represent when you arrive. This information helps the ushers show you to your seats in an efficient manner. Please be patient if several people ask you the same question.
  • If you need assistance for any reason, ushers are wearing white shirts and black pants and will be wearing nametags.
  • Sit amongst the students during the performance. Please ask students to remain in their seats and to refrain from talking during the show. We want all students to be able to hear and enjoy the show.
  • At the conclusion of the show, wait to exit until your assigned bus number is called by the Gallagher Bluedorn employee onstage once the show is over. Please wait patiently as groups are dismissed to their buses. When exiting the hall, please help keep your class together.



Cancellations must be made by the deadline listed on your confirmation letter/invoice.  Tickets cannot be canceled once confirmed and/or once full payment is received.

Refunds will only be given if an event is cancelled by the GBPAC. Cancellations of shows due to weather will follow actions of the Waterloo and Cedar Falls School Districts. If your school is closed or delayed and you are unable to make it to a performance due to inclement weather, you must notify us within one day of the performance in order to receive a credit to a future show.

No refunds will be issued for unused seats on the day of the performance for any reason, including student illnesses or absences.


Grade level recommendations listed on the GBPAC or ticketing websites are made by the theater company/artist and GBPAC Education Department.  The venue will remain harmless if you choose to bring groups outside of these recommended grade levels.

Please exercise caution when bringing infants or toddlers age 3 and younger.  If your infant or toddler becomes disruptive, you will be asked to leave the theater.


Waiting Lists

Waiting lists are no longer being offered for the Kaleidoscope Series.