Engage + Explore

Party on the Mezz
Bring friends and family to Gallagher Bluedorn’s LIVE and In-Person Local Legends shows with Party on the Mezz. Nearly every Thursday evening at 8PM…
Christina Farrell
Join the fun! Wednesday, April 28  •  5:00pm CST   Join Kaleidoscope Storyteller Christina Farrell, Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist…
A Kids Play About Racism
Gallagher Bluedorn is proud to provide resources for educators that bring arts in to the classroom and help facilitate discussions from literature to…
Little Red Hen Actress
Kaleidoscope Story Time Series
Enjoy this familiar folktale with your students, children, or grandchildren! Thanks to our generous financial partners, we are able to book and…
Executive Director Steve
We're excited to bring LIVE & IN PERSON shows back to the Gallagher Bluedorn!BUT, in order to do this and keep doing it.... we need your help.…
More safe, socially distanced entertainment is coming to the Gallagher Bluedorn. In addition to Comedy Night with Tammy Pescatelli and Orlando Leyba…
Classroom watching Virtual Series
Written by Melody Parker Original story published at wcfcourier.com CEDAR FALLS — The Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center’s Kaleidoscope…
Cassie reads Little Red Hen
Kaleidoscope Story Time Series
A little red hen grows grain, threshes wheat, bakes bread, and feeds her chicks—all by herself, without any help from her lazy friends. Young readers…
Joel Waggoner Pigeon
Kaleidoscope Story Time Series
It's getting dark out, but one stubborn Pigeon is NOT going to bed! The pigeon will try everything to stay awake in this fun bedtime story that every…
Jabari Dreams Interview with Kelly
New to the Kaleidoscope Series, Chicago-based playwright Nabmi Kelley has developed a play that brings the civil rights movement of the 1950's and…
Abraham Lincoln
Kaleidoscope Story Time Series
Although he was born to a poor family in Kentucky, Abraham Lincoln studied and became a lawyer, a congressman, and the sixteenth president of the…
Kaleidoscope Story Time Series
Scientist Ada has a boundless imagination and has always been hopelessly curious. Why are there pointy things stuck to a rose? Why are there hairs…
I Aint Gonna Paint with Cassie Naaktgeboren
Kaleidoscope Story Time Series
A dab of blue here, a splash of red there, a goopy smear of green . . . everywhere. To the tune of "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More," one creative kid…
Steve's Mid-Winter Update
Executive Director Steve Carignan provides a mid-winter update about Gallagher Bluedorn during COVID-19 times. He shares updates about what we're…
Block Party
Article originally posted to…
Harriet Tubman Virtual Residency
Episode Focus Questions: How do theatre artists tell stories that capture our attention? Where do you see the fight against…
Harriet Tubman Virtual Residency
Video Length: 15 minutesEpisode Focus Questions: How do symbols help us tell stories? What does Harriet Tubman…
Harriet Tubman Virtual Residency
Join Christina Farrell in this virtual residency accompanying the performance of Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad.Episode Focus…
I Got The Rhythm - Cassie Naaktgeboren
Kaleidoscope Story Time Series
On a simple trip to the park, the joy of music overtakes a mother and daughter. The little girl hears a rhythm coming from the world around her- from…
A House For Hermit Crab - Christina Farrell
Kaleidoscope Story Time Series
Hermit Crab has outgrown his first shell, and, as hermit crabs do, he must look for a new house. Nervous and a little frightened, the crab plucks up…

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